Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Ya know how that last post mentioned how I wanted to be in a flashmob?  Well, I was.  I found it kind of a coincident that it happened after my being truly obsessed with dancing for a while...

So anyway, I'd post a video or something, but I don't really want to do that.  Cause I posted a bunch of videos already.  But mostly because I don't want creepers.

Anyhow, short post is short, but I just wanted to say I was in a flashmob.  Oh, also so was Taylor and our friend Kristen. :)  Manda was busy or something.


  1. I rememberrr. I was there, as you said. I was totally going to comment on your last post, but then I was all reinstalling windows and had a slow Internet connection and all that...They're doing three more this year I think they said. :) I swear I will watch those videos you posted when my Internet is feeling good. (Living where I do makes good Internet difficult sometimes...)

  2. Aww, yeah. I understand the not commenting part on your behalf. Is ok. And I'm super excited for more dancing! Do you know are they focused mostly in Ames or central Iowa in general? Cause if they're just in Ames I'd have a better time trying to get there from ISU...
